VIRRIB - volume soil moisture sensor

Snímač půdní vlhkosti: VIRRIB

The sensor is used to measure the volumetric moisture of the soil at any depth.

One of the significant advantages of the sensor is its almost immediate response to changes in humidity. Thanks to this feature, it can be used in addition to meteorology, ecology and scientific purposes, eg in conjunction with an irrigation dose control regulator.

Connection to datalogger

The sensor is connected directly to the current inputs of the measuring station. Depending on the type of connection board, up to 8 VIRRIB sensors can be connected to one station.

Sensor parameters

measuring range: 5-50% volume humidity

Output: voltage 0-2V (or other on request)

Dimensions: round with a diameter of 280 mm or rectangular 60 x 200 mm

If it is necessary to measure the volumetric moisture in other substrates (eg sand, gravel, grain, coal, etc.) it is necessary to recalibrate the sensor.


Price list