Extension of monitored values about measurement of rainfall

Multi purpose warning hydrometric stations M4016-G3 allows to gradually add other sensors. There is a breaf list of some very often added devices: Rain Gauge SR03

  • Rain gauges
  • Relative humidity sensors
  • Air temperature sensors
  • Anemometers
  • Soil humidity sensor
  • (ph-meters and conduct-meters are rarely added to M4016)

The wider flood warning system should contain separated rain-gauge stations which are placed on the hill tops around the hydrometric station. Our telemetric units STELA are very suitable for rain-gauge stations, because they do not need an external or solar power supply. They have batteries which can run up to five years with a daily data transferring.

visualisation, warning system, anti flood, station, rain, storm rainfall If the station M4016 is a part of flood warning system and the water-level reaches the limited level, the station sends warning SMS messages to chosen recepients.
